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NEVER wear a headgear or a facemask during rough sports or play, when it may be grabbed by a playmate, snap back, and injure the face.
Bring your headgear or facemask to all appointments. If you accidentally brake or bend the headgear or a facemask, please notify our office.
What should I expect?
Some soreness of the molar teeth may occur during the first few nights. Over the counter pain medications may be taken if needed. Intermittent wear usually causes more discomfort than constant wearing. You may feel that the molar teeth are slightly loose. That is because they are moving.
When should I wear my headgear or facemask?
These appliances should only be worn at home.
They should not be worn while eating, washing, or tooth brushing.
The appliances should be worn at least 12–14 hours every day. You should wear them each night while sleeping and for enough hours during the day to total a minimum of 12–14 hours. Unless otherwise instructed, wear the headgear or facemask as much as possible. The more it is worn, the better and faster the results are. Additional daytime wear on weekends is recommended for better results.
For an easier transition, you may use your headgear or a facemask just 2 hours the first day, 4 hours the second day, and then 1 hour before bed and through the night for the first week. Thereafter, begin wearing the appliance a full 12–14 hours.
How do I put on my headgear?
1.Always unhook the elastic strap before trying to remove the headgear.
2. Do not wear your headgear if the band to which it attaches becomes loose on the tooth. If this occurs, call our office.
3. Insert and remove your headgear with care and according to our instructions to avoid damage to headgear or bands.
4. Do not wiggle the bow of your headgear up and down, as damage to the bands will result.
No more rubber bands?
If you run out of the elastics or rubber bands, please call the office so we can send you another pack or come in to get them. Do not stop using the facemask.